Cash In With Groupon Coupons

This post was written on behalf of Groupon. All opinions and the shopping experiences are my own.

Yesterday I experienced a huge motherhood moment.

Baby Bird fed herself IN A RESTAURANT. And she did it FROM A HIGH CHAIR.

I know what you’re thinking. What’s the big deal? Well, this was the first time my child participated like a big girl in a public family meal. We typically keep her in the infant car seat carrier to protect her from hot plates, and to protect ourselves from thrown food.

No one was harmed in the eating of yesterday’s meal, few tears were shed, and no food ended up on the floor.

I was as proud as a proud mama could be … then I was disgusted because Baby Bird kept wiping grapes on the high chair and popping them in her mouth before I could stop her.

I knew I’d eventually need to buy a high chair and shopping cart cover, but I was once again caught unprepared.

So when we got home, I headed straight to the Groupon Coupon website. Don’t know about Groupon Coupons? You’re missing out. The site has more than 55,000 free coupons and sale listings from thousands of stores, including Macy’s, Victoria’s Secret, and Target.

Babies R Us logoI found a Babies R Us listing for shopping cart covers, and I was able to pair it with a 15 percent off coupon and a gift card to get what I needed for nearly nothing.

Using Groupon Coupon couldn’t be easier: Just find the store you’re looking for, click the link for the offer you want, then copy the coupon code.

You know you planned to do some online shopping today. Don’t spend more than you have to — visit Groupon Coupon and save some cash!

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